S2OPC 1.5.1 release

The S2OPC team is proud to announce the 1.5.1 release of S2OPC.

The main new features are the availability of a demo server implementing the Push Management model according to the OPC UA part 12 (see issue #1247), and a hook to re-evaluate X509IdentityToken certificates for all sessions (on server side, see issue #1370).


Some notable enhancements are :

  • Ticket #1057: Add hexlification function to Common/Helper and update base64 decoding function
  • Ticket #1181: Subscriber configuration of reception timeout API exist but is not used
  • Ticket #1250: Add functions to export SOPC_CertificateList and SOPC_CRLList to raw DER array
  • Ticket #1341: Update behavior of SOPC_KeyManager_Certificate_GetThumbprint
  • Ticket #1354: Server API should not allow to configure several times the same Security configuration
  • Ticket #1362: Integration of Claroty’s opcua network fuzzer to CI.
  • Ticket #1363: B model: Improve provability of the View service set (continued)
  • Ticket #1376: TCP socket: add the ability to manage Keep Alive mechanism on Linux
  • Ticket #1380: CycloneCrypto: Check that the Common Name attribute is specified for certificates
  • Ticket #1395: Rework S2OPC logger
  • Ticket #1403: PKI store: allow placeholder files to make empty directories management easier
  • Ticket #1410: Publisher time execution optimization
  • Ticket #1417: Subscriber time execution optimization
  • Ticket #1429: Client API: avoid possible deadlock with user application mutexes

Bug fixed and known bugs

The list of bug fixed and of known bugs is available in the 1.5.1 Gitlab release page.

What is S2OPC ?

S2OPC is a software solution for client-server communications using OPC UA standard.

  • designed to target the safety, cyber-security and real-time constraints of embedded products
  • deployed on larger command-control or supervision systems

S2OPC has a security visa from ANSSI for the CSPN certification and a certificate of compliance with the OPC UA v1.04 standard.

Multiplatform SDK, S2OPC is used in application scaling from IIoT modules to SCADA systems. It supports both Client/Server and PubSub. S2OPC is also ready for integration with TSN networks.

S2OPC is an open-source solution for OPC UA communications.
